This second volume of the trilogy, Love Beneath the Mighty Dome, continues with the accounts of several Catholic Faithful: Father Manny Moriss, the reclusive and ever faithful traditionalist. Manny’s friend, from their days at Saint Simeon the Stylite Seminary, Father Louis Poustello, a self-willed renegade. Father Al Dible, a staunchly faithful gay man, tortured by his unwavering but self-destructive love for an institution that condemns the most intimate aspect of his being. The return of one, Tarkington Spilburn, a sick, soul-less, demented fiend and priest-everlasting, in the order of Melchizedek. Patricia Healy, the enthused young woman who would be ordained but for her sex. Monsignor McNeery, the foreign-born Irishman, backbone of the Church in America and champion of the poor.
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