Jamie, Charlie, and their dog, Star, accompany their Uncle Max to New York City to attend a Special Forum on Indigenous Issues being held at the United Nations. While Uncle Max and the other twenty-eight Indigenous leaders meet to discuss the destruction of Earth Mother, Charlie, with the help of his friends, shows Jamie around the ‘the city that never sleeps’. In the midst of their first city tour and as they are about to cross Forty-Second Street, police vehicles come from every direction with their lights flashing and sirens blaring. Charlie, Jamie, and Jennifer have no idea the New York Diamond Exchange has just been robbed. After the forum, Jamie, Charlie, Uncle Max, and Star drive to New Mexico to attend The San Antonio Feast Corn Dance and visit family at Taos Pueblo. Charlie wasn’t aware that his friend from New York would be found dead in the New Mexico desert. After several hair-raising events, Charlie and Jamie learn the friend was also a ‘Coincidental Thief’.
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